Chinese People In Marketplace

sherrattsam posted some fascinating photos of people in a Chinese market:

Chinese man wearing a cap and a bandaid  Squinting Chinese woman rugged up against the cold

Chinese man puffing on a cigarette  Chinese man wearing a lovely jacket

Great stuff! Sherrattsam has captured some great shots of everyday people in a Chinese marketplace. It’s obviously very cold, as they’re all rugged up against the cold.

The jacket on the man in the last shot is a classic. Lots of lovely flowers, probably better suited to woman’s clothing (at least bt Western standards), but hey, when it’s that cold you’re going to wear whatever’s the warmest!

My favourite shot is the first man. Sherrattsam focuses on the hat (when he titled the shot), but it’s the bandaid that really stands out. There’s obviously an interesting story there!

I guess what really struck me about these photos is that not only do all capture interesting Chinese people, they capture real Chinese people. These look like people you see on the streets of China every day and they’re a big part of what makes China so interesting.

If you’ve ever lived in China or even just had a China vacation, you’ll know what I mean!

One Response

  1. godfrey

    am godfrey live in uganda.

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